Glossary of terms and abbreviations

Name: AA

Anti-aircraft. Also known as Ack-Ack

Name: Ammo


Name: ARP

Air raid precautions

Name: ATS

Auxiliary Territorial Service. The women's branch of the British Army during the Second World War. A number of INstation wireless operators were ATS officers and subalterns who had volunteered for this task.  

Name: AU

Auxiliary Units. Specially trained, highly secret units created by the government during WW2, with the aim of resisting the expected occupation of the UK by Nazi Germany. AU operational patrols were composed entirely of civilians. 

Name: Aux Units Mk1

A box containing a selection of explosives and incendiaries, issued to all Auxiliary Units operational patrols. There was an improved version called Aux Units Mk2.

Name: Auxiliary Units Scout Sections

Consisted of small units (12 men) of regular soldiers who were tasked with assisting and training Auxiliary Units operational patrols. There were commonly two Scout Sections per County.  

Name: Auxiliary Units Signals

Consisted of regular soldiers from the Royal Corps of Signals, setting up, operating and maintaining the secret wireless network, under the command of Major RNA Jones, Auxiliary Units Signals, GHQ Home Forces. 

Name: Auxiliary Units Signals Workshop

Under command of Capt KM Ward designed, developed, produced, repaired and maintained wireless sets for use by Special Duties Branch. 

Name: Auxilier

Member of an Auxiliary Units operational patrol