Our Page Sponsors

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The Gerry Holdsworth Special Forces Charitable Trust logo

This website was generously sponsored by The Gerry Holdsworth Special Forces Charitable Trust.

Preserving and promoting the wartime heritage of the SOE and Special Forces.

Hugh's father Charles, from Little Bromley, was in the Mistley (aka Horsley Cross) Patrol in Essex. Hugh has written the life story of Suffolk Auxilier, Ivan Potter and also of an Essex Auxilier, Peter Louis Potter (no relation) from Fingringhoe Patrol. Both are available from his website www.frostick.co.uk 

Ivan Potter book Mister Lucky

Made possible with Lottery Heritage Fund
Thanks to National Lottery players, we received a grant in 2022 from the Heritage Fund for our CART 360° project, visually documenting OBs and other structures for posterity, also including support for Welsh Translation on the website. While the grant funds the equipment and professional help for the project, all our field work and other activity is carried out by unpaid volunteers as usual.

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Sponsored by Ken Tregenna Ellis in memory of CQMS Roy Tregenna Ellis

Independent Company

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UXO Bombs Away

This page is sponsored by Bombs Away UXO.

Simon Massey

Darren Little

This website was built by Dr. Hugh Frostick of VCS Websites.

VCS Websites

www.vcsnet.co.uk   07722 253962

Sponsored by Richard Tregenna Ellis in memory of CQMS Roy Tregenna Ellis

Independent Company

andy chatterton

Andy Chatterton, who is now CART's Press Officer, kindly sponsored this page.

Trevor of Perranporth in Cornwall was hugely influential in remembering Auxiliary Units.

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Ann is the granddaughter of Louis Potter and niece of Peter Potter from the Fingringhoe Patrol in Essex. She sponsors the Fingringhoe Patrol where her mother and family lived for the early part of the war.

This page is kindly sponsored by Geoff Dewing, the author of the booklet "Suffolk's Secret Army 1996", available now as a download from our shop.

Geoff's Book

Tewkesbury Mediaeval Festival

This page is sponsored by Tewkesbury Medieval Festival

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"Baltonsborough was the first Auxiliary Unit Patrol and Operational Base that I started my Aux Unit research on."

Cronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol

Diolch i chwaraewyr y Loteri Genedlaethol, cawsom grant yn 2022 gan y Gronfa Dreftadaeth i’n helpu i ychwanegu Cyfieithu Cymraeg ar y wefan.

Thanks to National Lottery players, we received a grant in 2022 from the Heritage Fund to help us add Welsh translation on the website.

NFNP Sponsor

This page was made possible by kind sponsorship from The New Forest National Parks Authority

Paddy White Worcestershire

Paddy White attends many events as re-enacting a Worcestershire Auxilier and has been a kind supporter of CART.

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Rachel Waite

Hugh Frostick sponsors this page, Hugh's father Charles, from Little Bromley, was in the Mistley Patrol in Essex. Hugh has written the life story of another Essex Auxilier, Peter Louis Potter, from Fingringhoe Patrol. This book, "Tales of Peter Potter", is available on his website at www.frostick.co.uk along with the tale of a Suffolk Auxilier, Ivan Potter (no relation).

Tales of Peter Potter


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Sponsored by various kind individual donors

kind anonymous donors

We are grateful to various anonymous and crowd-funded donations that help us maintain this site.

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Victoria Whitfield neé Stothard