Charles Albert Barrett

Corporal Charles Albert "Charlie" Barrett
01 Apr 1916 - 1986
Profile Picture
Profile picture

The sons of Harry and Alice, Charlie and Archie were brothers.

Unit or location Role Posted from until
St. Ive Patrol Patrol Corporal 05 Jun 1940 03 Dec 1944
National ID
WBHK 82/4
Commissioned or Enlisted
June 1940


Woodcocks Eye, St Ive, Liskeard, Cornwall
Other information

Charlie had red hair and blue eyes and was known to be very argumentative at times. He was the first one in the area to train as a tractor driver. He later moved to Kent after the war. He recalled a man in a suit "but with farmer's shoes" came to visit him in the 1960s to warn him of the publication of The Last Ditch by David Lampe. He never knew who the man was or how he had been found so many miles from Cornwall.


TNA ref WO199/3391

1939 Register

Auxilier son Tony Barrett