George Ewart Freeland

Private George Ewart Freeland
02 Aug 1903 - 1991

In an interview for the Imperial War Museum, George talks about his time in the Home Guard and in Auxiliary Units.

Unit or location Role Posted from until
Gibbet Oak Patrol Patrol member 27 Jun 1940 03 Dec 1944
National ID
DIXE 90/1

Fertilizer sales rep

"Loraine", Biddenden Road, St. Michaels, Kent
Other information

In "Wartime Kent" by Oonough Hyndman George recalled he was part of Fungus Patrol, "There was a hole in the ground covered with a mat and steps going vertically down into a cave. It was built by the Royal Engineers and there were bunks for sleeping in, food and a loo and as soon as the enemy arrived we were supposed to disappear at night and go in there".


TNA ref WO199/3390 & 1
1939 Register
George Freeland
Wartime Kent by Oonough Hyndman