Peter Brassey Chambers

Peter Brassey Chambers, M.C
1924 - 13 Mar 1958

Chambers is not recorded on the nominal roll but was remembered as an early Patrol member by Ken Weeks. In 1940 he was a student at Monkton Coombe School, Bath with Donald Dale. He was there until 1942.

The son of Colonel Cyril Roy Chambers C.B.E, M.C

Unit or location Role Posted from until
Southstoke Patrol Patrol member Unknown Unknown


(1958) Flass House, Durham.
Other information

Peter served as 288286 1 Battalion Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) (111 Ind.Bde) was commissioned as a second Lieutenant in the Hampshire Regiment and was attached to the Chindits in 1944, winning the Military Cross in Burma 17 April 1944. The citation in the London Gazette reads; 

On the 17th April 1944 No. 13 Platoon commanded by Lieut. CHAMBERS, was in a position on commanding ground to block any southward movement along the road south of THINGANDA, when it was discovered by an enemy patrol moving through the jungle. The column Commander, on an adjoining feature with one Platoon and two M.M.G. and a third Platoon in reserve, ordered 15 Platoon to withdraw to the main position after waiting half an hour to allow the demolition of a bridge on the road, and so to avoid the necessity for fighting an unnecessary action without the benefit of surprise. Before the time fixed for withdrawal, however, 13 Platoon was attacked by what was clearly seen to be a greatly superior force, it was reported to Lieut. Chambers that the enemy, as well as attacking from the East, were in thick jungle on the West side of the road where his own position adjoined it on the East. He therefore appreciated that withdrawal, which owing to the nature of the country could only be along the side of the road, would be a fatal mistake, and asked to be allowed to withstand the assault. Enfilade fire, directed by wireless from 13 Platoon's position, was brought to bear on the attacking enemy, and a platoon despatched to counter-attack from the enemy's rear. This Platoon had much difficult country to cross however, and also encountered a large enemy village or encampment in the jungle, so that 13 Platoon had to rely on its own efforts in defence. After receiving five casualties from sniping, Lieut. Chambers reported that this menace, combined with accurate fire from grenade dischargers, was becoming serious and that his casualties were likely to be heavy. The M.M.G. fire was effective in slowing down the attack but it was impossible to accelerate the counter-attack, and the enemy had been reported as closing in on three sides for the final assault when the Platoon Commander ordered an attempt at withdrawal. The road was found to be not in fact commanded by the enemy and the platoon reached the main position successfully and in good fighting order carrying their wounded.

Throughout this action which lasted some two hours, Lieut. Chambers was rigorous in infusing an offensive spirit into the defence and in maintaining it in men who knew themselves to be fighting at a great disadvantage and with little or no hope of relief. The example that he set by his unrelaxing resolution, coolness and complete disregard for his own safety, was enough to turn what might well have been a sanguinary defeat into a well and bravely fought battle. Lieut. Chambers had been in action only once before and on that occasion also, when cut off with half of his platoon, displayed the same high qualities of leadership and courage.

He died at Izki-Muscat, Oman.


Ken Weeks via Tim Wray

Medal Sale 

Monkton Coombe School